Monday, September 19, 2011
My crazy but perfect weekend...
Sheww...I am still trying to catch my breath after this weekend. It was go go go from the time I got off Friday at 5pm until about 9:15pm Sunday evening. I knew that the weekend was going to be VERY hectic but I just didn't realize it would be so extremely CRAZY ;-) Friday we had a little incident of Ryson doing something to his eye that caused him to scream from 5:30pm until 7:15pm when dinner was over. We were close to a trip to the ER but he finally opened it! At that point we headed to Target for a new toy and then home to bed! A toy makes everything better!
When Saturday morning rolled around, I scattered around the house to get ready to go to the consignment sale, grab coffee, buy a birthday present, then head to Evan's Orchard for Miss Bella's birthday party at 1pm. The kids had a blast playing and seeing the animals. I had a blast enjoying the fudge.
I was more scared then he was!!!
Although we were having a blast at the orchard, we decided to head on up to Cinci for the evening. It was a great evening to do a little shopping. Everyone got some great deals...EVEN ME ;-) (Usually Ryson is the only one that benefits from these great deals)
Sunday was a blast. I had the whole family over for some yummy lasagna rolls and oreo cookie cupcakes that weren't finished until they all left but were oh so delicious!! After lunch we headed to Spindletop for the UK fall festival. It was a nice little festival. Ryson and Olivia had a blast with the games and horse rides. We met up with Leigh Ann, Adam and little Miss Addison. Addison tries her hardest to keep up with the big kids and did a pretty dag on good job of it. Although I wish my day ended there...I had to come home and do homework for Grad school....BOOOO!!! Overall, I enjoyed my weekend with my wonderful friends and family. It was so hectic, chaotic and way too busy but I wouldn't trade it for the world!!!
It's weekends like this that remind me 3 things...1) I AM SO BEYOND THANKFUL 2.) I LOVE MY LIFE 3.) I HAVE SO MANY REASONS TO SMILE!!!!
Friday, September 9, 2011
The first of many
I often follow other people's blogs and always thoroughly enjoy reading what they have to share. I have debated for awhile now about starting one and have finally given in and decided I need to. I am so sick of facebook but yet continue to use it (not sure why). Therefore, I have decided to start blogging that way it will distract me from my out of control, obsessive useageness (if that is even a word) of facebook. I hope that this blog will be a great way for me to share all the exciting news and events that happen in Ryson and my own life, along with a way for Ryson to look back on his childhood to see what it was like growing up ;-)
I will NOT make any promises that I will post daily, weekly or even monthly. However, I will do my best to make sure I share all of our good times (and those few unforgettable meltdowns, etc) with you. I think that this is a GREAT time to start a new blog, as we have birthdays, Halloween, Turkey Day, Fall Festivals, Ho Ho Visits, and much more. I will have TONS of pictures (as you probably know I LOVE TO TAKE PICTURES) and most likely a few HILARIOUS things Ryson has informed me of. With that said, I have one quick story that I must share.
Last night was a challenge for myself. We typically do bedtime around 8:15pm but last night was a different story because he spent the day with mamaw which resulted in a very late nap, might or might not have been 6pm when he woke up. On our way home we stopped at WalMart to get a few army men and an army boat to play, thanks to Allen's aunt who gave Ryson money! Once we got home he refused to go to bed so around 10pm (typically bedtime is 8:15pm) we finally made our way into his room. He screamed and cried when I took the army men so I gave in and let them sleep with him. I gave my baby a goodnight kiss, turned the lights out and headed to my nice comfy bed. It wasn't 30 minutes later that I kept hearing a sound and finally decided I best go check to make sure we do not have an intruder. Thankfully, that was not the case...instead I had a little boy sitting up in his bed playing with his friends in the "ocean aka bed". I asked Ry what he thought he was doing and I got a response that just brought pure joy to my night "Mommy i'm just playing with my friends. My eyes wouldn't close but I can come watch cartoons in your bed with you, okay." How could I deny a response like that. Of course I said okay and off he headed to my bed. Little did I know the little guy had more in store for me. When we got into the room I told him I was watching my show that he needed to lay down and go to bed. Ryson responds with "mommy you need to turn of your shows so I can watch my cartoons. They are funny!!"
These are the little moments in my life that I hope bring you the laughter and joy that it brings me. Have a wonderful weekend cheering on the CATS and enjoying this fall weather!!!
I will NOT make any promises that I will post daily, weekly or even monthly. However, I will do my best to make sure I share all of our good times (and those few unforgettable meltdowns, etc) with you. I think that this is a GREAT time to start a new blog, as we have birthdays, Halloween, Turkey Day, Fall Festivals, Ho Ho Visits, and much more. I will have TONS of pictures (as you probably know I LOVE TO TAKE PICTURES) and most likely a few HILARIOUS things Ryson has informed me of. With that said, I have one quick story that I must share.
Last night was a challenge for myself. We typically do bedtime around 8:15pm but last night was a different story because he spent the day with mamaw which resulted in a very late nap, might or might not have been 6pm when he woke up. On our way home we stopped at WalMart to get a few army men and an army boat to play, thanks to Allen's aunt who gave Ryson money! Once we got home he refused to go to bed so around 10pm (typically bedtime is 8:15pm) we finally made our way into his room. He screamed and cried when I took the army men so I gave in and let them sleep with him. I gave my baby a goodnight kiss, turned the lights out and headed to my nice comfy bed. It wasn't 30 minutes later that I kept hearing a sound and finally decided I best go check to make sure we do not have an intruder. Thankfully, that was not the case...instead I had a little boy sitting up in his bed playing with his friends in the "ocean aka bed". I asked Ry what he thought he was doing and I got a response that just brought pure joy to my night "Mommy i'm just playing with my friends. My eyes wouldn't close but I can come watch cartoons in your bed with you, okay." How could I deny a response like that. Of course I said okay and off he headed to my bed. Little did I know the little guy had more in store for me. When we got into the room I told him I was watching my show that he needed to lay down and go to bed. Ryson responds with "mommy you need to turn of your shows so I can watch my cartoons. They are funny!!"
These are the little moments in my life that I hope bring you the laughter and joy that it brings me. Have a wonderful weekend cheering on the CATS and enjoying this fall weather!!!
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